As Salam - The Source of Peace
Hafeez sheikh is a very creative painter whose expertise lies in Islamic art. The beautiful array of his work can be seen on his website. His paintings are unique among his contemporaries. Most of his paintings manifest his love for Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala (English: “Glorious and exalted is He." In short: SWT) and his messenger Muhammad (Peace be upon him, In short: PBUH).
In Arabic, the word Allah (See Art: 99 Names of Allah & The Word Allah) means ‘The God’. It is derived from the union of the word ‘Al’ meaning ‘The’ and ‘Ilah’ Meaning ‘God’ (See Art: God in other languages). The word Allah is the supreme and all-comprehensive divine name. The name Allah is unique and unmatched and indicates the existence of one creator of the universe who is omnipotent and all-powerful. To test what Allah can be, he has given an acid test in his book as he speaks to his servant (Prophet Mohammad) in The Holy Quran.
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
[Surah At-Tauhid (The Unity) 112]
Say: He is Allah, the One and Only!
Allah, the eternal, Absolute!
He begets not, nor was he begotten.
And there is none comparable unto Him.
There are many other names of Allah mentioned in the Holy Quran, but these other names are attributes of the creator. Allah is the best and the most suited name for God. It’s a common misconception that Allah is only the God of Muslims or people from the desert. In reality you will find Arab Jews and Christians calling upon Allah in their prayer, and even a Chinese Muslim will call upon Allah in his prayer.
‘La Ilaha illallah Muhammad Ur rasool Allah’ [There is no god except Allah and Muhammed is the messenger of Allah] is the central dogma of Islam around which the entire belief system revolves. It is mandatory in Islam to have absolute and unquestionable faith in the oneness of Allah SWT and that Mohammed is the last Messenger of Allah.
In Arabic, the word Allah (See Art: 99 Names of Allah & The Word Allah) means ‘The God’. It is derived from the union of the word ‘Al’ meaning ‘The’ and ‘Ilah’ Meaning ‘God’ (See Art: God in other languages). The word Allah is the supreme and all-comprehensive divine name. The name Allah is unique and unmatched and indicates the existence of one creator of the universe who is omnipotent and all-powerful. To test what Allah can be, he has given an acid test in his book as he speaks to his servant (Prophet Mohammad) in The Holy Quran.
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
[Surah At-Tauhid (The Unity) 112]
Say: He is Allah, the One and Only!
Allah, the eternal, Absolute!
He begets not, nor was he begotten.
And there is none comparable unto Him.
There are many other names of Allah mentioned in the Holy Quran, but these other names are attributes of the creator. Allah is the best and the most suited name for God. It’s a common misconception that Allah is only the God of Muslims or people from the desert. In reality you will find Arab Jews and Christians calling upon Allah in their prayer, and even a Chinese Muslim will call upon Allah in his prayer.
‘La Ilaha illallah Muhammad Ur rasool Allah’ [There is no god except Allah and Muhammed is the messenger of Allah] is the central dogma of Islam around which the entire belief system revolves. It is mandatory in Islam to have absolute and unquestionable faith in the oneness of Allah SWT and that Mohammed is the last Messenger of Allah.
The Name Muhammad (Pbuh)
The name Muhammad in Arabic means Highly Praised. It is derived from the root word ‘Hamd’ meaning praise. Prophet Muhammad Pbuh was the Chosen One who received revelations (Ayah meaning Signs) from Allah SWT. These revelations were brought to him by angle Jibrael (Gabriel) AS. He reported receiving these revelations until the day of his death. These revelations are regarded as the Word of God which has been compiled as the Holy Quran. The entire religion is based on the Holy Quran.
Prophet Muhammad’s life and his traditions (Sunnah) are of great significance and Muslims follow his traditions all over the world.
Allah SWT has 99 names (See Art: Names of Allah). The 99 names of Allah SWT are called ‘Asma Al-Husna’ which in Arabic means ‘The Most Beautiful Names’. These names are attributes of Allah SWT by which Muslims regard God.
Prophet Muhammad’s life and his traditions (Sunnah) are of great significance and Muslims follow his traditions all over the world.
Allah SWT has 99 names (See Art: Names of Allah). The 99 names of Allah SWT are called ‘Asma Al-Husna’ which in Arabic means ‘The Most Beautiful Names’. These names are attributes of Allah SWT by which Muslims regard God.
To your surprise an English Author David Bentley who is a Christian was so inspired by these beautiful names of God that he has written a book called “The Beautiful Names of God” which is a very inspiring book for Muslims, Christians and Jews as they all call upon the same GOD (Allah in Arabic, Elohim in Hebrew and Theós in Greek).
The list of all the beautiful names of Allah SWT mentioned in the Holy Quran have been enumerated and one who recites these names with faith and applies the attributes each name suggests to Allah SWT will enter paradise. Some of the names of Allah have been concealed from mankind; hence there are more than just 99 Names of Allah SWT. Muslims can use the names of Allah for themselves prefixing them with the word ‘Abd’ which means ‘Servant of’. Here is a list of all the 99 names of God.
# | Arabic | Transliteration | Translation |
1 | الرحمن | Ar-Rahmān | The All Beneficent |
2 | الرحيم | Ar-Rahīm | The Most Merciful |
3 | الملك | Al-Malik | The Ultimate King |
4 | القدوس | Al-Quddūs | The Most Holy, The Most Pure |
5 | السلام | As-Salām | The Peace and Blessing |
6 | المؤمن | Al-Mu'min | The Granter of Security |
7 | المهيمن | Al-Muhaymin | The Guardian |
8 | العزيز | Al-Azīz | The Almighty |
9 | الجبار | Al-Jabbār | The Compeller |
10 | المتكبر | Al-Mutakabbir | The Tremendous |
11 | الخالق | Al-Khāliq | The Creator |
12 | البارئ | Al-Bāri' | The Rightful |
13 | المصور | Al-Musawwir | The Fashioner of Forms |
14 | الغفار | Al-Ghaffār | The Ever Forgiving |
15 | القهار | Al-Qahhār | The All Compelling Subduer |
16 | الوهاب | Al-Wahhāb | The Bestower |
17 | الرزاق | Ar-Razzāq | The Ever Providing |
18 | الفتاح | Al-Fattāh | The Opener |
19 | العليم | Al-'Alīm | The All Knowing |
20 | القابض | Al-Qābid | The Restrainer |
21 | الباسط | Al-Bāsit | The Expander |
22 | الخافض | Al-Khāfid | The Abaser |
23 | الرافع | Ar-Rāfi' | The Exalter |
24 | المعز | Al-Mu'izz | The Giver of Honour |
25 | المذل | Al-Mu'dhell | The Giver of Dishonour |
26 | السميع | As-Samī | The All Hearing |
27 | البصير | Al-Basīr | The All Seeing |
28 | الحكم | Al-Hakam | The Judge |
29 | العدل | Al-`Adl | The Utterly Just |
30 | اللطيف | Al-Latīf | The Gentle |
31 | الخبير | Al-Khabīr | The All Aware |
32 | الحليم | Al-Halīm | The Forbearing |
33 | العظيم | Al-'Azīm | The Magnificent |
34 | الغفور | Al-Ghafūr | The All Forgiving |
35 | الشكور | Ash-Shakūr | The Grateful |
36 | العلي | Al-'Aliyy | The Sublimely Exalted |
37 | الكبير | Al-Kabīr | The Great |
38 | الحفيظ | Al-Hafīz | The Preserver |
39 | المقيت | Al-Muqīt | The Nourisher |
40 | الحسيب | Al-Hasīb | The Bringer of Judgment |
41 | الجليل | Al-Jalīl | The Majestic |
42 | الكريم | Al-Karīm | The Bountiful |
43 | الرقيب | Ar-Raqīb | The Watchful |
44 | المجيب | Al-Mujīb | The Answerer |
45 | الواسع | Al-Wāsi' | The Vast |
46 | الحكيم | Al-Hakīm | The Wise |
47 | الودود | Al-Wadūd | The One who Loves |
48 | المجيد | Al-Majīd | The All Glorious |
49 | الباعث | Al-Bā'ith | The Raiser of The Dead |
50 | الشهيد | Ash-Shahīd | The Witness |
51 | الحق | Al-Haqq | The Truth |
52 | الوكيل | Al-Wakīl | The Trustee |
53 | القوى | Al-Qawwiyy | The Strong |
54 | المتين | Al-Matīn | The Firm |
55 | الولى | Al-Waliyy | The Protecting Friend |
56 | الحميد | Al-Hamid | The All Praiseworthy |
57 | المحصى | Al-Muhsi | The Accounter |
58 | المبدئ | Al-Mubdi' | The Producer |
59 | المعيد | Al-Mu'īd | The Restorer |
60 | المحيى | Al-Muhyi | The Giver of Life |
61 | المميت | Al-Mumīt | The Bringer of Death |
62 | الحي | Al-Hayy | The Ever Living |
63 | القيوم | Al-Qayyūm | The Self Subsisting Provider |
64 | الواجد | Al-Wājid | The Perceiver |
65 | الماجد | Al-Mājid | The Illustrious |
66 | الواحد | Al-Wāhid | The Unique |
67 | الاحد | Al-'Ahad | The One |
68 | الصمد | As-Samad | The Self Sufficient |
69 | القادر | Al-Qādir | The All Able |
70 | المقتدر | Al-Muqtadir | The Dominant |
71 | المقدم | Al-Muqaddim | The Expediter |
72 | المؤخر | Al-Mu'akhkhir | The Delayer |
73 | الأول | Al-'Awwal | The First (Alpha) |
74 | الأخر | Al-'Akhir | The Last (Omega) |
75 | الظاهر | Az-Zāhir | The All Victorious |
76 | الباطن | Al-Bātin | The Hidden |
77 | الوالي | Al-Wāli | The Patron |
78 | المتعالي | Al-Mutā'ali | The Self Exalted |
79 | البر | Al-Barr | The Most Kind and Righteous |
80 | التواب | At-Tawwāb | The Ever Returning |
81 | المنتقم | Al-Muntaqim | The Avenger |
82 | العفو | Al-Afuww | The Pardoner |
83 | الرؤوف | Ar-Ra'ūf | The Compassionate |
84 | مالك الملك | Mālik-ul-Mulk | The Owner of All Sovereignty |
85 | ذو الجلال والإكرام | Dhū-l-Jalāli-wa-l-'ikrām | The Lord of Majesty and Generosity |
86 | المقسط | Al-Muqsiţ | The Equitable |
87 | الجامع | Al-Jāmi | The Gatherer |
88 | الغني | Al-Ghaniyy | The All Rich |
89 | المغني | Al-Mughni | The Enricher |
90 | المانع | Al-Māni' | The Defender |
91 | الضار | Ad-Dārr | The Afflictor |
92 | النافع | An-Nāfi | The Benefactor |
93 | النور | An-Nūr | The One Who Creates the Light |
94 | الهادي | Al-Hādi | The Guide |
95 | البديع | Al-Badī | The Incomparable |
96 | الباقي | Al-Bāqi | The Ever Enduring |
97 | الوارث | Al-Wārith | The Heir |
98 | الرشيد | Ar-Rashīd | The Guide |
99 | الصبور | As-Sabur | The Patient |
There are more than 99 names of Prophet Muhammad Pbuh (See Art: Names of Muhammad) which are attributes of him but we have just listed only the most common 99 names for the full list visit Recitation of these 99 names is of great virtue.
# | Arabic | Transliteration | Translation |
1 | عادل | Aadil | The Justice |
2 | عالم | Aalim | The Scholar |
3 | عبدالله | Abdullah | Slave of Allah |
4 | ابوالقاسم | Abu al Qaasim | The father of Qasim. |
5 | ابو الطاھر | Abu at Tahir | The father of Tahir. |
6 | ابوالطیب | Abu at Tayyib | The father of Tayyib. |
7 | ابو ابراھیم | Abu Ibrahim | The father of Ibrahim. |
8 | عفو | Afoow | Forgiver. |
9 | احید | Aheed | He who takes to one side. |
10 | احمد | Ahmad | Much praised |
11 | اجیر | Ajeer | He who is rewarded. |
12 | علم الایمان | Alam ul Eeman | The banner of faith. |
13 | علم الیقین | Alam ul Yaqeen | The banner of belief. |
14 | علم الھدیٰ | Alamul Hudaa | Banner of guidance. |
15 | علیم | Aleem | The Knowledgeable |
16 | امین | Ameen | The Honest One |
17 | النجم الثاقب | An Najm-us-Saqib | Shining star. |
18 | عاقب | Aqib | The Latest |
19 | عربی | Arabi | The Arabi |
20 | اول | Awwal | The First |
21 | عین الغر | Ayn ul Ghurr | The chief of the chosen one. |
22 | عین النعیم | Ayn un Naeem | The spring of blessing. |
23 | عزیز | Aziz | The Honoured One |
24 | بالغ | Baaligh | He who attains the elevated station. |
25 | بار | Bar | Pious |
26 | بشیر | Basheer | The Messenger of Good News |
27 | بیان | Bayan | Obvious words |
28 | برھان | Burhan | The Evidence |
29 | بشریٰ | Bushraa | Giver of good tidings. |
30 | داع | Daa | The Invitor |
31 | دلیل الخیرات | Daleel ul Khyayraat | To guide to virtue. |
32 | فاتح | Faateh | The Victor |
33 | فاضل | Faazil | Virtuous. |
34 | فصیح اللسان | Faseehul Lisaan | The eloquent of speech. |
35 | فتاح | Fatah | The Successor, The Opener |
36 | غنی | Ghani | The Rich |
37 | غریب | Gharib | The Poor |
38 | غوث | Ghaus | Succour, listener to complaints. |
39 | غیث | Ghays | Shower of mercy. |
40 | غیاث | Ghiyaas | Full of succour. |
41 | ھاد | Haad | The Leader |
42 | حبیب الله | Habeebullah | Beloved of Allah. |
43 | حبیب | Habieb | The Beloved |
44 | حفی | Hafeey | Very merciful. |
45 | حافظ | Hafiz | The Guardian |
46 | حکیم | Hakeem | The Wise |
47 | حامد | Hamid | The Praiser |
48 | حمید | Hamied | The Thankful |
49 | حق | Haq | The True, The Truth |
50 | حریص علیکم | Harees-un-Alaikum | The Covetous for the Believers |
51 | ھاشم | Hashim | The Destroyer, The Crusher of Evil |
52 | حاشر | Hashir | The Awakener, The Gatherer |
53 | ھاشمے | Hashmi | The Hashmi |
54 | ھدیه الله | Hidayatullah | Gift of Allah. |
55 | حجازی | Hijazi | The Hijazi |
56 | حزب الله | Hizbullah | Army of Allah. |
57 | ھدی | Hudaa | Guide. |
58 | حجه | Hujjat | The Right Argument |
59 | اکلیل | Ikleel | Chief (of Prophets) |
60 | امام | Imam | The Guide |
61 | امام المتقین | Imamul Muttaqeen | Leader of the pious. |
62 | عزالعرب | Izzul Arab | The honour of Arabs. |
63 | جامع | Jaami | Perfect. |
64 | جبار | Jabbar | Dominant. |
65 | جواد | Jawwad | The Generous |
66 | کاف | Kaaf | Sufficient, enough. |
67 | کامل | Kaamil | Perfect. |
68 | کاشف الکرب | Kaashiful Kurab | He who solves difficulties. |
69 | کفیل | Kafeel | Surety. |
70 | کلیم الله | Kaleemullah | Who converses with Allah. |
71 | کریم | Kareem | The Noble |
72 | خلیل الرحمٰن | Khaleel ur Rahman | The freind of Compassionate. |
73 | خلیل | Khalil | The True Friend |
74 | خاتم الانبیآء | Khatamul anbiya | Seal of the Prophets. |
75 | خاتم الرسل | Khatamur Rusul | Seal of Messengers. |
76 | خطیب الامم | Khateebul Umam | Sermoniser for the people. |
77 | خطیب | Khatieb | The Sermoniser |
78 | خاتم | Khatim | The Finalizer |
79 | ماح | Maah | The obliterator of Infidelity |
80 | مدنی | Madani | The Resident of Madina |
81 | مدعو | Madoow | Who is called. |
82 | مھد | Mahd | The Guided One |
83 | مھدی | Mahdee | Who is guided. |
84 | مھدی | Mahdiy | He Who is Well Guided |
85 | محمود | Mahmood | The Commendable |
86 | مکین | Makeen | Who is given Rank |
87 | مکین | Makeen | Who is given rank. |
88 | مخصوص بالعز | Makhsoos bil Izz | Chosen to be honoured. |
89 | مخصوص بالمجد | Makhsoos bil Majd | Chosen to be on the right path. |
90 | مخصوص بالشرف | Makhsoos bil Sharaf | Picked up as a noble. |
91 | معلوم | Maloom | Known. |
92 | مامون | Mamoon | Secure. |
93 | منصور | Mansoor | Who is helped |
94 | معراج | Maraj | The Place of Ascent, The Above |
95 | مشھود | Mashhood | He who is witnessed. |
96 | مشکور | Mashkoor | The Thankful |
97 | متین | Mateen | The Strong |
98 | موصول | Mawsool | Having link with Allah. |
99 | مفتاح | Miftaah | Key to the secrets. |
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